WROM RadioDetroit, MI
Wednesday 4/18
8pm ET, 5pm PT
Sunday 4/22
8pm ET, 5pm PT
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Talktainment Radio
Columbus, OH
Thursday 4/19
9pm ET, 6pm PT
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Share-a-Vision Radio
San Francisco Bay Area
Friday 4/20
7pm ET, 4pm PT
10pm ET, 7pm PT
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The Coyote KWTY-FM
Ridgecrest, Calif.
Sunday 4/22
9pm PT
Monday 4/23
Midnight ET
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Passionate World Radio
Ann Arbor, MI
Tuesday 4/24
11:05pm ET, 8:05pm PT
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Alison Arngrim has several appearances lined up over the next few months, including the opening of the Nellie Oleson's Trunk of Treasures show in France on Friday, May 18. For more information, visit Alison’s official French website, which is www.alison-arngrim.com or email edson@free.fr. In addition, Alison will be performing her one-woman show, Confessions of a Prairie Bitch, at the Laurie Beecham Theatre in New York on June 15 and 16. She’ll also be at the annual “Laura Palooza” in Mankato, MN on July 12-July 14, as well as the annual “Walnut Grove Days” festival in Walnut Grove, MN on July 20-July 22. For updates on Alison’s schedule, go to http://www.hgd.com/alison/.
Bill’s memoir, Where There’s Smoke: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, not only is filled with great stories that take you behind the scenes of The X Files, but provides an excellent cultural history of the burgeoning theatre scene in Canada and Great Britain in the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s. We’ll talk about this, and more, when William B. Davis joins us in our second hour.
Deborah Pearl will be performing music from Souvenir of You at the Thousand Oaks Public Library, 1401 East Janss Road in Thousand Oaks, CA on Saturday April 28. The event starts at 8pm and is part of the Library’s annual Blues Bop and Books series. Donations are $20.00 and include coffee and dessert. For reservations or more information, call (805) 908-2264 or email tolibrarymusic@yahoo.com.
All this, plus a brand new edition of This Week in TV History. It’s a full program as always, and we certainly hope you’ll join us.
TV CONFIDENTIAL: A radio talk show about televisionWednesdays and Sundays 8pm ET, 5pm PT
WROM Radio
Thursdays 9pm, 6pm PT
Talktainment RadioFridays 7pm ET and PT Share-a-Vision Radio, KSAV.org
Sundays 9pm PT, Mondays Midnight ET The Coyote KWTY-FM (Ridgecrest, Calif.)Tuesdays 11:05pm ET, 8:05pm PTPassionate World RadioFollow us online atwww.tvconfidential.net
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