Here is another "Mental Sorbet" that we could use to momentarily forget about those things that leave a bad taste in our mouths.
Tony Figueroa
Stay Tuned
Tony Figueroa
I represent the first generation who, when we were born, the television was now a permanent fixture in our homes. When I was born people had breakfast with Barbara Walters, dinner with Walter Cronkite, and slept with Johnny Carson. Read the full "Pre-ramble"
Show No. 154
Sept. 19-25, 2012 |
First hour: Ed welcomes singer/actress
Kramer, founder of Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the
World, a series of motion picture
screenings that
awareness about important social issues — a sensibility that Kat inherited
directly from her father, legendary producer/director Stanley
Kramer. Kat will be performing along with Le Petit Cirque at
PAWS at the Avalon Theatre in Hollywood on Sunday, Sept. 30
beginning at 7pm. Also in this hour: Tony Figueroa and Donna Allen with a look
back at M*A*S*H, which premiered on CBS 40 years ago This Week in
Second hour: Ed welcomes actress, author and comedienne Geri Jewell, Cousin Geri on The Facts of Life and a pioneer who has opened many doors over the past 30 years, not only for people with disabilities, but also women in general. Geri 's book, I’m Walking as Straight as I Can: Transcending Disability in Hollywood and Beyond, is a very candid and poignant look at the many obstacles that she has overcome in her life and career, including living with cerebral palsy. Also in this hour: Greg Ehrbar's DVD report. |