WROM Radio
Detroit, MI
Wednesday 8/19
8pm ET, 5pm PT
2am ET, 11pm PT
Sunday 8/23
8pm ET, 5pm PT
2am ET, 11pm PT
Click on the Listen Live button at WROMRadio.net
KHDN AM-1230
KBSR AM-1490
KYLW AM-1450
Billings, MT
part of GLN Radio Network
Friday 8/21
3pm ET, Noon PT
Saturday 8/22
6pm ET, 3pm PT
Monday 8/23
3pm ET, Noon PT
Share-a-Vision Radio
San Francisco Bay Area
Friday 8/21
7pm ET, 4pm PT
10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Listen Live button at KSAV.org
Use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in KSAV
or hear us on the KSAV channel on CX Radio Brazil
Indiana Talks
Marion, IN
Saturday 8/22
8pm ET, 5pm PT
Sunday 8/23
6pm ET, 3pm PT
Click on the player at IndianaTalks.com
or use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in Indiana Talks
KSCO-AM 1080
San Jose, Santa Cruz and Salinas, CA
KOMY-AM 1340
La Selva Beach and Watsonville, CA
Sunday 8/23
9am ET, 6am PT
Also streaming at KSCO.com
KHMB AM-1710
KHMV-LP 100.9 FM
Half Moon Bay, CA
Sunday 8/23
9pm PT
Monday 8/24
Midnight ET
Click on the Listen Live button at KHMBRadio.com
San Francisco, CA
Monday 8/24
10pm ET, 7pm PT
with replays Tuesday thru Friday at 10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Talk Slot button at RadioSlot.com
Ann Arbor, MI
Various times throughout the week
on the Entertainment Channel at PWRNetwork.com
Lee Goldberg is a two-time Edgar Award and Shamus Award nominee whose numerous TV credits include writing and producing such shows as Diagnosis Murder, Monk, Psych, Hunter, Nero Wolfe, Sliders and Spenser: For Hire. Lee has also written more than forty books, including The Walk, King City, Watch Me Die, a series of original novels based on Diagnosis Murder and Monk, and the internationally best-selling Fox & O’Hare series that he co-authors with Janet Evanovich (the latest of which, The Scam, will be released on Sept. 15). In addition, Lee is also co-founder of Brash Books, which recently re-released Poor, Poor Ophelia, the 1970 novel by Carolyn Weston that served as the basis for The Streets of San Francisco.
Lee has recently updated and re-released two books: Television Fast Forward, a look at every TV series revival, sequel or remake that was made from the 1950s through the 1990s, and Unsold Television Pilots: 1955-1989, a TV reference book that became a national media sensation, in part because of Johnny Carson. We’ll talk about some of the best shows you never saw on television when Lee Goldberg will join us in our second hour.
Wesley Hyatt will join us in our first hour as we look at the broadcast career of Frank Gifford, the Hall of Fame halfback for the New York Giants who was a mainstay on ABC’s Monday Night Football for more than twenty-five years. Wes’ books on music, film and television include Kicking Off the Week: A History of ABC’s Monday Night Football, 197... and Television’s Top 100: The Most Watched American Broadcasts, 1960-2010.
TV CONFIDENTIAL: A radio talk show about television
Wed and Sun 8pm ET, 5pm PT on WROM Radio
Fri and Mon 3pm ET, Noon PT and Sat 6pm ET, 3pm PT on GLN Radio Network
Fri 7pm ET and PT on Share-a-Vision Radio, KSAV.org and CX Radio Brazil
Sat 8pm ET, 5pm PT and Sun 6pm ET, 3pm PT on Indiana Talks
Sun 9am ET, 6am PT KSCO-AM 1080 (San Jose, Santa Cruz and Salinas, CA)
Sun 9am ET, 6am PT KOMY-AM 1340 (La Selva Beach and Watsonville, CA)
Sun 9pm PT, Mon Mid ET on KHMB-AM and FM (Half Moon Bay, CA)
Mon 10pm ET, 7pm PT on The Radio Slot Network
Replays various times throughout the week on the Entertainment Channel at PWRNetwork
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