Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

Dear Readers,

I have been spending Christmas and New Years with Family in Florida and Ohio (Two Red States).

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions. In the fourth grade I resolved that I would not get into anymore fights, but after having to read my resolution in front of the whole class my classmates made sure that I was in a fight everyday till Valentines Day. This year seems different. As always they’re the standard things I say every year.

I resolve to do more reading. I read a lot as it is but this year I have a great desire to read more of the classics and more plays.

I resolve to take a greater interest in current events outside the entertainment industry especially since 2008 is an election year. I am already a news junkie but there never seem to be enough news or is it that there never seems to be enough news of substance.

It would be ridiculous of me to say that I resolve to watch less television. If I wind up watching less TV it is not because of any self discipline on my part, it is only because of the writers strike.

I resolve to do more blogging and podcasting. Last month Donna and I launched our new story telling podcast Take Out Stories. This Month Donna will launch her new style blog and podcast Shop Doc. As for the Child of Television Blog and Podcast it will still reflect my love of television. COTV’s perspective has been greatly influenced be the writers strike because I in good conscience can’t be critical of the creative talents while they are on the picket line and because the mainstream media is not giving the strike the coverage it deserves.

I resolve to spend more time on the picket line because as a Screen Actors Guild member their fight is our fight.

To quote Dave Garroway, “Peace”

In Solidarity

Tony Figueroa

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