WROM Radio
Detroit, MI
Wednesday 1/8
8pm ET, 5pm PT
2am ET, 11pm PT
Sunday 1/12
8pm ET, 5pm PT
2am ET, 11pm PT
Click on the Listen Live button at WROMRadio.net
WYYR: Yesteryear Radio
Vero Beach, FL
Wednesday 1/8
9pm ET, 6pm PT
Click the On Air button at WYYR.com
Indiana Talks
Marion, IN
Wednesday 1/8
11pm ET, 8pm PT
with replays at various times throughout the week
Click on the player at IndianaTalks.com
or use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in Indiana Talks
Talktainment Radio
Columbus, OH
Thursday 1/9
2am ET, 11pm PT
Friday 1/10
3am ET, Midnight PT
Noon ET, 9am PT
Click on the Listen Live button at TalktainmentRadio.com
Share-a-Vision Radio
San Francisco Bay Area
Friday 1/11
7pm ET, 4pm PT
10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Listen Live button at KSAV.org
or use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in KSAV
Boost Radio Network
Paramus, NJ
Sunday 1/12
8pm ET, 5pm PT
Click on the On the Air button at BoostRadio.com
KHMB Radio 1710 AM
Half Moon Bay, CA
Sunday 1/12
9pm PT
Monday 1/13
Midnight ET
Click on the Listen Live button at KHMBRadio.com
or use the Live365 app on your smartphone and type in KHMB
The Radio Slot Network
San Francisco, CA
Monday 1/13
10pm ET, 7pm PT
with replays Tuesday thru Friday at 10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Talk Slot button at RadioSlot.com
Passionate World Radio
Ann Arbor, MI
Tuesday 1/14
9:30pm ET, 6:30pm PT
with replays at various times throughout the week
Click on the Live Radio button at PWRTalk.com

Michael recently published his first novel, Working Dirty, a private eye story set in a prison that also has a few elements that made Remington Steele famous. We’ll talk about that, and more, when Michael Gleason joins us in our second hour.
Also this week: We’ll look back at 2013: The Year in Television, from Duck Dynasty to Paula Deen, from Alec Baldwin to Martin Bashir, from the aborted NBC miniseries on Hillary Rodham Clinton to the return of Brian the Dog. Tony Figueroa and Donna Allen will join us as we remember the highs and lows and everything in between, beginning in our first hour.
TV CONFIDENTIAL: A radio talk show about television
Wed and Sun 8pm ET, 5pm PT on WROM Radio
Wed 9pm ET, 6pm PT on WYYR: Yesteryear Radio
Wed 11pm ET, 8pm PT on IndianaTalks.com
Fri 7pm ET and PT on Share-a-Vision Radio, KSAV.org
Fri Noon ET, 9am PT on Talktainment Radio
Sun 8pm ET, 5pm PT Boost Radio Network
Sun 9pm PT, Mon Mid ET on KHMB Radio 1710 AM (Half Moon Bay, Calif.)
Mon 10pm ET, 7pm PT on The Radio Slot Network
Tue 9:30pm ET, 6:30pm PT on PWRNetwork
Tape us now, listen to us later, using DAR.fm/tvconfidential
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and now on your mobile phone via www.stitcher.com/TVConfidential
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