Saturday, December 14, 2019

Your HOLIDAY SOR-BAY: Frosty the Snowman

Here is a


little spark of madness

that we could use to artificially maintain our Christmas spirit.

Today in Television History

December 14, 1969

Frosty the Snowman first aired on CBS. The show, based on the popular song of the same title, was produced for television by Rankin/Bass and featured the voices of comedians Jimmy Durante as narrator and Jackie Vernonas the title character. This special marked the first use of traditional cel animation for Rankin/Bass.

Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass wanted to give the show and its characters the look of a Christmas card, soPaul Coker, Jr., a greeting card and MAD Magazine artist, was hired to do the character and background drawings. The actual animation work was done in Japan, by Osamu Tezuka's studio, Mushi Production. Rankin/Bass veteran writer Romeo Muller adapted and expanded the story for television as he had done with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in 1964

Stay Tuned

Tony Figueroa

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