Friday, April 17, 2020

Your Mental Sorbet: #StarsInTheHouse #53 Sunday 4/12 8PM Desperate Housewives

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services. 

The Actors Fund is a national human services organization that fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan. Through offices in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, The Fund serves everyone in film, theater, television, music, opera, radio and dance with programs including social services and emergency financial assistance, health care and insurance counseling, housing, and secondary employment and training services.
StarsInTheHouse #53 Sunday 4 12 8PM Desperate Housewives - YouTube

Here is another
that we could use to momentarily forget about those
things that leave a bad taste in our mouths

#StarsInTheHouse #53 Sunday 4/12 8PM Desperate Housewives

Image result for wash your hands gif
Stay Tuned and Wash Your Hands

Tony Figueroa

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