Homer Simpson, Oscar Levant and the Legacy of MTM: Next on TVC
Actor and playwright Dan Castellaneta and authors Vince Waldron and Jennifer Armstrong will join us as we remember Mary Tyler Moore on the next edition of TV CONFIDENTIAL, airing Feb. 10-13 at the following times and venues:
Share-a-Vision Radio
San Francisco Bay Area
Friday 2/10
7pm ET, 4pm PT
10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Listen Live button at KSAV.org
Use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in KSAV
Hear us on the KSAV channel on CX Radio Brazil
Hear us on your cell phone or landline number by dialing 712-432-4235
Indiana Talks
Marion, IN
Saturday 2/11
8pm ET, 5pm PT
Sunday 2/12
10am ET, 7am PT
Click on the player at IndianaTalks.com
or use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in Indiana Talks
WON 920 The Apple
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday 2/11
10pm ET, 7pm PT
Streaming at www.920won.caster.fm
KSCO AM-1080 and FM-104.1
San Jose, Santa Cruz and Salinas, CA
KOMY AM-1340
La Selva Beach and Watsonville, CA
Sunday 2/12
9am ET, 6am PT
Also streaming at KSCO.com
or use the TuneIn app on your smartphone and type in KSCO
KHMB AM-1710
KHMV-LP 100.9 FM
Half Moon Bay, CA
Sunday 2/12
9pm PT
Monday 2/13
Midnight ET
Click on the Listen Live button at KHMBRadio.com
San Francisco, CA
Monday 2/13
10pm ET, 7pm PT
with replays Tuesday thru Friday at 10pm ET, 7pm PT
Click on the Talk Slot button at RadioSlot.com
Ann Arbor, MI
Various times throughout the week
on the Entertainment Channel at PWRNetwork.com
and the PWR channel on TuneIn

We’ll spend most of our program this week remembering Mary Tyler Moore, the iconic actress and producer who passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the age of 80.
Whether you think of her as Laurie Petrie, Mary Richards, or one of the guiding forces behind MTM Enterprises, Mary Tyler Moore helped three generations of women see alternatives for themselves beyond traditional roles on television and in the real world. Jennifer Armstrong will join us by phone in our first hour, while Vince Waldron will join us in the studio during our second hour. Jennifer’s books include Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted and All the Brilliant Minds Who Made..., while Vince’s books include The Official Dick Van Dyke Show Book: The Definitive History of Tel....

This week’s show will also include the first of a two-part interview with Emmy Award-winning actor, writer and voice artist Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer Simpson. Not only is Dan a big fan of The Dick Van Dyke Show, he wrote the foreword for the deluxe expanded archive edition of The Official Dick Van Dyke Show Book. We will ask Dan about some of his favorite Laura Petrie episodes, and more, when he joins us in our second hour.
Dan Castellaneta is also the writer and star of For Piano and Harpo, a brand new play about Oscar Levant, the renowned pianist, composer, humorist and bon vivant who was known as much for his biting wit as for his musical compositions. For Piano and Harpo is playing at the Falcon Theatre, 4252 Riverside Drive in Burbank, CA through Sunday, March 5. For tickets and more information, call 818-955-8101 or go to FalconTheatre.com.
TV CONFIDENTIAL: A radio talk show about television
Fri 7pm ET and PT on Share-a-Vision Radio, KSAV.org and CX Radio Brazil
Sat 8pm ET, 5pm PT and Sun 6pm ET, 3pm PT on Indiana Talks (Marion, IN)
Sat 10pm ET, 7pm PT on WON 920 The Apple (Brooklyn, NY)
Sun 9am ET, 6am PT KSCO-AM 1080 (San Jose, Santa Cruz and Salinas, CA)
Sun 9am ET, 6am PT KOMY-AM 1340 (La Selva Beach and Watsonville, CA)
Sun 9pm PT, Mon Mid ET on KHMB-AM and FM (Half Moon Bay, CA)
Mon 10pm ET, 7pm PT on The Radio Slot Network (San Francisco, CA)
Replays various times throughout the week on the Entertainment Channel at PWRNetwork
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